Be sure to visit the Nature Center on March 8th or March 23rd when the Winter Wildlife Field Days Events will be hosted in Gehlar Hall. Other dates in Salem and areas nearby are listed at the Winter Wildlife Field Days website:
Now is a good time to plan a field trip to the Ankeny Hill Nature Center and schedule your reservation for the classrooms of Gehlar Hall.
This facility provides indoor and outdoor learning environments and resources to help your students or group discover the many amazing things of our environment. Learn More
Ankeny Hill Nature Center Highlights
For Everyone
The Ankeny Hill Nature Center has multiple ways to explore the wildlife and native habitats of the Willamette Valley. From hikes to hands-on discovery spaces, The Center is designed so visitors of any age, interest, or ability can find ways to interpret nature.
Building Inclusive Communities
As a public gathering space, The Center works to constantly build better connections with all groups and individuals throughout the region. We value your ideas so please let us know what you think and how to connect with you and your family.
On Education
The Center provides outstanding resources to teachers, group leaders, and learners of all ages. Our team of educators, resource kits, and naturalists are ready to help in our classrooms, at your school or home, or wherever learning happens.