To make a Donation simply complete the form below and click the Donate Now Button.
Help Support our Efforts
The Ankeny Hill Nature Center is a special place for learning about our environment. The Center’s hiking trails include educational discovery spaces, an overlook of the Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge, and the classrooms of the Mark Gehlar building. All areas of the Center are free for use, but the classrooms must be scheduled in advance.
To make this unique learning environment possible, we rely on the efforts of our mostly volunteer staff and contributions from people like you. Your generous donation supports the operation of The Center and its mission.
One hundred percent of your donation supports the work to maintain The Center and provide unrestricted funds for its operations. If you wish to make a continuing donation or gift to build a fund restricted to support a particular aspect of the Ankeny Hill Nature Center site or its work, please contact us at
*Note: Your donation will be processed using Stripe and added to the Ankeny Hill Nature Center Fund managed by our partners at the Friends of the Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuges Complex.
If you have questions, please contact